"Not everybody can be famous, but everybody can be great - because greatness is determined by service." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr
In the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr - our executive board calls on you all. We appreciate your support and have been honored to act on your behalf throughout our years, but we also call on you. We call on you to bring ideas and suggestions to us. We call on you to challenge us to do our best. Now, we also call on you to think of yourselves and your fellow MAAWLE members during election time.
If you or anyone you know is interested in running for any executive board positions, please email me at AGontowski@abingtonpa.gov or our President, Angie Garnsey, at angiegarnsey4@gmail.com by August 31, 2023 to let us know of your intent to run for any of the positions.
The offices up for election are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Social Media/Outreach.
If you have any questions about the responsibilities and roles of each position, please reach out and we will get you connected with the appropriate person for answers and mentorship opportunities. Please don't be shy - by planning for succession, we are planning for success!